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Muscle atrophy and muscle contractures. Low stature (in men 160.2 ± 0.6, in women 146 ± 0.5). Short-fingered. III. All joints are deformed and get topamax . Their movements are severely limited. Low stature (in men 160.2 ± 0.6, in women 144 ± 0.5), short neck, bear's paw, genu valgum and genu varum, flat feet, lumbar hyperlordosis, duck gait. Women often have a narrow pelvis.
Moderate thickening of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the II, III, IV fingers, pain during exercise, slight limitation of movements in the wrist, elbow and ankle joints. II. Multiple lesions of the joints with their thickening, deformation, crunching and limitation of movement.

It should be noted that if Kashin-Beck disease develops in adults, its clinical picture may be erased. Body temperature in patients is usually normal. In the blood and urine tests, no pathological abnormalities are detected. Sometimes hypochromic anemia, slight lymphocytosis, neutropenia are noted. The study of the mineral composition of the blood shows that the calcium content is increased, and phosphorus is reduced. In the urine, opposite changes are noted. Diagnosis of Kashin-Bek's disease.
Kashin-Beck's disease is characterized by the following symptoms, which make it possible to make a diagnosis: pain and a loud crunch in the joints during movement, deformities and thickening of the joints, cessation of bone growth in length with a violation of topiramate, short fingers, short stature, joint contractures, lumbar hyperlordosis, on the x-ray the presence pathological deepening (niche) in the metaphyses of bones, mainly in the hands. Of great importance are anamnestic information about living in an endemic area.

With acromegaly, thickening of the epiphyses and cartilages, flattening and protrusions on the articular surfaces, and growth of bones in thickness are also observed.
However, along with this, the characteristic symptoms of the disease are revealed - thickening of the soft tissues and changes in the skull (hyperostosis of the vault, protrusion of the superciliary arches, an increase in the Turkish saddle on the radiograph), which should be taken into account when making a differential diagnosis.
The action of radon baths (3-6 courses) in combination with paraffin and mud applications on the joints is very effective. Also used are brine baths, diathermy, ultrasound and UHF on the joints. Treatment with radon baths at the Yamkun resort, located in the center of one of the endemic regions of Eastern Siberia, makes it possible to achieve improvement, according to F. P. Sergievsky, in 80% of patients.